Fairstart Foundation Application
Fairstart Foundation has created a set of courses in early childhoold development primarily for caregivers working at orphanages. The courses are available online at their website.
The courses have been taught in more than 20 countries. Some of these countries have very poor internet connections. This means they cannot access the online version.
The Fairstart Foundation offline application allows their courses to be taught in these areas. The application has all the content of the online versions: text, images and even videoes. It features a simple design that allows for easy navigation.
The first version was made in collaboration with SOS Children's Villages in three language: Kinyarwanda, Swahili and English.
The latest version for Greenland was made in collaboration with the Greenland Social authorities. This version features two new languages: Danish and Greenlandic.
It was recently featured in a Danish newspaper, read the article here.
The application is built with Vue and Electron and is available on Mac, Windows and Linux.